Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Written Analysis #5

People’s Opinions and Interpretations of Sea Monsters
            With the various theories that can apply to the opinions and interpretations of sea monsters, the myth theory is the one that best relates. The myth theory is due to having no scientific research to prove sea monsters are real and people still believe they are. Many citizens believe they have seen and taken pictures of them. One example of a sea monster that has yet to be discovered is the Loch Ness Monster. Furthermore, another theory that can relate is the hero of the scientific discovery. The person responsible for discovering a new species that can be taught in the future is a hero in my book.
            One of my most interesting findings learning about people’s opinions and interpretations of sea monsters is how many people believe they are real. Even with no scientific evidence to prove their existence, people want to still believe in them. This is a great feature because many people will continue looking and possibly discover new sea monsters. As mentioned above, those people willing to do the research, discover, and have proof of sea monsters existence, could be considered a hero.

            The way I will think of my popular culture differently is by not having such a closed mind on something that has not yet been scientifically proven. There can be several different opinions and interpretations about sea monsters. Just because it is not the opinion or interpretation that I have, does not mean that person is incorrect. Coming to terms that this could change in the future is a great first step to accepting other opinions and interpretations of sea monsters.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Journal Analysis - Yoü and I: Identity and the Performance of Self in Lady Gaga and Beyoncé

Journal Article Analysis
            Ashanka Kumari has a great article in Yoü and I: Identity and the Performance of Self in Lady Gaga and Beyoncé (2016). It first discusses how both Lady Gaga and Beyoncé are breaking the mold of femininity by using a different performance name. This helps both performers, and many others, to be able to do and act a certain way that they personally would not feel comfortable doing. Having this different performance name is an example of an alter-ego. Furthermore, the article goes in depth on Beyoncé and how she wants to empower women and how her stage names are like characters. Another section then describes Lady Gaga and her performances are more like an art piece. Additionally, it is discussed why she uses another name to perform under instead of her sir name. Finally, everything is tied together by conversing how using these performance names allows for growth, creates new identities, experiment with new personalities, and even breaking the social norms (p 403-414).
            Throughout reading the article, determining the audience this was intended for was simple. The general public that knows information on Lady Gaga and Beyoncé are the ones that would enjoy reading this article. Furthermore, the ones reading this article have to understand that both Lady Gaga and Beyoncé are stage names and possibly what they do under these stage names might not reflect what they personally believe or think.  Also knowing a little more about Lady Gaga’s performance, in particular, the performance at the MTV Video Music Awards from 2011 would be helpful. This example for Lady Gaga is brought up several times throughout the article and demonstrates how you can be whoever you want to be with the change of a name. All of this was easy to determine because of how the author decided to write. Kumari’s style of writing was very easy to understand and follow. Starting with background information on both Lady Gaga and Beyoncé, to conversing about each individual performer and how they help break the social norms, to a gathering of all information to discuss the main idea behind the whole article.
            Overall, the main point the author is trying to make is that stage names allow the performer to express their different ideas to their audiences. It also shows how Lady Gaga and Beyoncé break from the female performer norms and create their own way of doing things. Yet, there are others that have done the same like Cher, Madonna, and Ke$ha. In general, our given names are fixed to different expectations to how we need to act but it is really up to us on how we live out these names. Performing under a different name just gives the artist the ability to test different ideas before really conforming to them in their personal lives.
            After reading the article, there are two opinions that can come out of it; do I agree or disagree with the author’s main points and why the article is or is not important. Personally, I do agree with the articles main point. For me, when I hear the names Lady Gaga and Beyoncé, I think of the performers, not the human that portrays the performer. With that being said, I unwillingly think that the ideas the performers portray are just those of the performers and not of the real person. That is not always the case but if it came from the person themselves, not many would like it or believe it. Furthermore, I believe that what the performers show and talk about are actually what the person believes but many people do not see it that way. This is brought up by Beyoncé in an interview by stating “Yoncé is Beyoncé. Mrs. Carter is Beyoncé. Sasha Fierce is Beyoncé. And I’m finally at a place where I don’t have to separate the two anymore. We’re all one. They are all pieces of me. Just different elements of a personality of a woman, because we are complicated” (p 409).
            I also do believe that the article is important. It demonstrates how Lady Gaga and Beyoncé go outside the norm and do what they believe they should do. It is not always about conforming to what everyone else is doing or believes you should do. Being you is an important aspect of each human. We are different from the way we act, what we believe in, and how we see ourselves. One example of being ourselves is how Lady Gaga looks as she performs. She wears crazy outfits that are not normal for people to wear. Plus she portrays the other gender in certain aspects of her songs. Her performance at the MTV Music Awards is a prime example of portraying the other gender. She set the tone and scene for her song “Yoü and I” by acting as Jo Calderone and then performing it as him. Beyoncé Knowles does the same thing with different performing names such as Beyoncé and Sasha Fierce.

Browne, R. B. (2005). Profiles of popular culture: A reader. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press.

Kumari, A (2016). “Yoü and I”: Identity and the Performance of Self in Lady Gaga and Beyoncé. The Journal of Popular Culture, 49(2), 403-416

Written Analysis 4 - Formulas

Formulas are another way to analyze people’s opinions and interpretations of sea monsters. To understand further, we have to realize there are two different types of formula. The first type is convention and the second type is invention. Convention formulas are ones that stay consistent throughout the era. This means you can put two different examples and the base of these examples should be the same. Invention is the opposite of convention. The elements change and become something new.
The convention formula for sea monsters is that there is no scientific evidence to support their existence. This has been the same way for several, even hundreds, of years since the ‘first spotting’ of a sea creature like the Loch Ness Monster. Even if you believe sea monsters do exist, we all can agree on one thing that was mentioned above, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim. However, with many new discoveries happening on a daily basis, this could change in the future.
The opinions of many people regarding sea monsters are what would be classified as invention. Citizens believe they have spotted different sea monsters and even believe they have taken pictures of them. There are new claims happening all over the world of different sea monsters that have never been discovered. This is part of the invention of people’s opinions and interpretations of sea monsters. However, there are other citizens that believe sea monsters do not exist do to the simple fact that there is no scientific evidence to support the claims.
No matter if the formula is considered a convention or invention; many people will continue to think what they believe is correct. Everyone has the right to their own opinions and interpretations of sea monsters and any other topic they desire. It is up to you if you confirm to what the pop culture believes is true or not.

Browne, R. B. (2005). Profiles of popular culture: A reader. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Heroes and the Cult of Celebrities - Written Analysis 3

Heroes and Celebrity
Someone might have one person in mind when they think of a hero and a celebrity. However, this might be false as well. Each person can have their own criteria to determine who are their hero and a celebrity. Below, it will be discussed how sea monsters can be considered a hero and a celebrity for people.
Heroes can be considered classical or popular. Classical heroes are those connected with impressive literature and other classical items. Popular heroes have a small difference from the classical heroes. For myself, I do not consider sea monsters heroes. However, I do consider those that have a scientific discovery of a sea monster to be a hero. These people are ones that have found a life form that no one else has been able to. If something was found today, it would be considered a popular hero. Nevertheless, in several years, these same people can be considered classical heroes.
The cult of celebrities starts with understanding what exactly constitutes a celebrity. Many are considered celebrities depending on their wealth and how much public attention they have.  When thinking of a celebrity, many people may think of movie stars and people they see in Hollywood ("Celebrity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia," 2016). Again, the sea monsters that are discovered might not be considered the celebrity but the person the discovered them might. They will endure all the fame from making a major scientific discovery and hope that it last a lifetime.
The insights gained are that many people probably spend their whole life trying to become a hero and have their ‘fifteen minutes of fame’ in hopes that their names will live on forever. This is not always the case. If one person claims to have discovered many sea creatures, and there is no evidence to back up the claim, they possibly may never really be trusted when or if they actually discover something that has not yet been.

Browne, R. B. (2005). Profiles of popular culture: A reader. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press.

Celebrity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (2016, August 26). Retrieved September 3, 2016, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celebrity

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Rituals and Stereotypes

Rituals and Stereotypes
When you think about it, rituals and stereotypes are interconnected.  Rituals can be stereotypes in action, while stereotypes may be the reason why we have certain rituals. Furthermore, rituals themselves are behaviors that are completed in a pattern over and over again. This can be something that is passed down from generation to generation (Browne, 2005, p 127). Stereotypes are either a directly or indirectly stated idea that is pointed towards a specific thing or person. Stereotypes can happen for the good or the bad; however, it is normally an incomplete of a description (Browne, 2005, p 102).
            People’s opinions and interpretations of sea monsters can create stereotypes. One common stereotype of sea monsters is that they are real or that they are not real. This holds true for those sea creatures like the Loch Ness monster or the beaked whale. Another common stereotype is believing all the sea monsters are male or female. This can come from people talking about the creatures and always referring to them as he or she. One more type can come from many people saying they have seen these mystical sea monsters. However, they have not been seen by scientific analyzers to confirm the monsters are real.
            Without actually having proof that the sea monsters are real, rituals are unable to be proven as well. Although, people may have rituals they complete in order for them to ‘see’ the creatures. Depending on the ritual, this will determine if it is something of good nature or bad. Reflecting on the rituals and stereotypes of sea monsters has really got me thinking if they could be real or not. Currently, due to them not being discovered scientifically, I do not believe they are real. However, many people do believe that they are spotted and seen during specific times of the year.


Browne, R. B. (2005). Profiles of popular culture: A reader. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press.