Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Popular Culture

What is popular culture, and what does it mean to you?

Popular culture is everyday life. It’s the attitude, behavior patterns, beliefs, customs, and tastes of people in a society. Popular culture is the voice of the people and the bone and flesh of a society. There are several different parts to popular culture which consist of counter culture, subculture, and mass culture.

When I think of popular culture, I think more of the mass culture. This is the items we see in print or through electronic media. This avenue of pop culture shows what is in style, popular, and what societies are raving about. All of this shows the standards and common beliefs among others that are considered the norm.

Why is an understanding of popular culture relevant to you in a business environment and in your present and future career?

Understanding popular culture in a business environment will help many understand customers and anticipate their wants ahead of time. In my current career in the electric industry, it is a need for many to have working electricity in their homes. Many want options for paying their bills plus knowing when outages are predicted to be restored. Recently, we made available the option for our members to receive text messages if their power could be out. This is beneficial for those that are out of town or at work and not home. This is one feature that is popular for many as texting is very common in today’s society.

What would you consider to be an example of a popular culture artifact? And why would you choose it?
The Olympic rings are an example of a popular culture artifact. I decided on this because of its history and records that are currently being broken in Rio. The Olympics started over 3,000 years ago and revived in the 19th Century. I know this is something I look forward to every 4 years for winter and summer games respectively. 


  1. Kim,

    I liked your pop culture definition - the voice of the people and the bone and flesh of society because pop culture affects every part of us. And your thoughts on mass culture driving what we do or believe is so true.

    Unlike the old days where your employer only had to provide reliable electricity I see more companies giving customers information immediately because of the the pop culture artifact of cell phones. And I think we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg of the impact of the cell phone.

    And I love you artifact - what perfect timing since the Olympics are going on right now!

    Erika Kamph (Hull05 - Franklin University)

    1. Thanks for the reply Erika! I enjoy watching the Olympics every night.

  2. I think you chose the perfect artifact for pop culture right now! The olympics are trending so much and I think they do a great job of bringing together multiple different cultures and finding something they all have in common. Awesome job!
