Thursday, September 1, 2016

Rituals and Stereotypes

Rituals and Stereotypes
When you think about it, rituals and stereotypes are interconnected.  Rituals can be stereotypes in action, while stereotypes may be the reason why we have certain rituals. Furthermore, rituals themselves are behaviors that are completed in a pattern over and over again. This can be something that is passed down from generation to generation (Browne, 2005, p 127). Stereotypes are either a directly or indirectly stated idea that is pointed towards a specific thing or person. Stereotypes can happen for the good or the bad; however, it is normally an incomplete of a description (Browne, 2005, p 102).
            People’s opinions and interpretations of sea monsters can create stereotypes. One common stereotype of sea monsters is that they are real or that they are not real. This holds true for those sea creatures like the Loch Ness monster or the beaked whale. Another common stereotype is believing all the sea monsters are male or female. This can come from people talking about the creatures and always referring to them as he or she. One more type can come from many people saying they have seen these mystical sea monsters. However, they have not been seen by scientific analyzers to confirm the monsters are real.
            Without actually having proof that the sea monsters are real, rituals are unable to be proven as well. Although, people may have rituals they complete in order for them to ‘see’ the creatures. Depending on the ritual, this will determine if it is something of good nature or bad. Reflecting on the rituals and stereotypes of sea monsters has really got me thinking if they could be real or not. Currently, due to them not being discovered scientifically, I do not believe they are real. However, many people do believe that they are spotted and seen during specific times of the year.


Browne, R. B. (2005). Profiles of popular culture: A reader. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press.

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